Innovation Digest for South Africa

Impact stories, useful information, country data and more

Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) of South Africa

TIA is a national public entity that aims to stimulate and support technological innovation to improve research and development in higher education institutions, science councils, public entities, the private sector and in commercialisation. Read More

South African Engineer Develops Innovative Solar Cooker

A South African electrical engineer has developed an innovative solar cooker that could help roughly 3 billion people worldwide who still cook on open fires or solid fuel stoves. The cooker is lightweight, foldable and portable and can generate electricity, charge batteries and sterilise water and medical instruments in rural areas where alternative equipment is unavailable. Read More

Solar Steam Plants Help Resolve Power Outages

Solar steam plants opened up in South Africa have helped resolve the country’s power shortages, putting it in a place where it can now sell excess power to neighbouring southern African countries. These thermal solar plants have also addressed the high youth unemployment rates and reduced the country’s dependence on coal. Read More